Metabometrix Ltd
Prince Consort Road
London SW72BP
Pathfinders in Metabonomics

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Animals and human patients show consistent metabolic responses to disease, and to both desirable and adverse effects of drugs. However, these responses are complex, and ideal markers often have not been identified, or a single measurement is used when a pattern of markers would best describe disease pathology, drug efficacy or drug toxicity.

Metabonomics provides the means to characterise these ‘holistic’ profiles. Techniques such as NMR spectroscopy see a very wide range of components of blood or urine, and advanced data analysis techniques locate the key descriptors of effect. We have demonstrated our ability to rank drug candidates by toxicity, to pinpoint mechanisms and affected tissues, and to find biomarkers. The possibilities for resource savings in early drug development are immense, and Metabometrix is working with several large pharmaceutical companies to realise this potential.

Similarly, comprehensive efficacy measures in normal and transgenic animal models of disease can be identified. In the clinic, we have shown for instance that metabonomics can differentially diagnose severity in atherosclerosis-related conditions, and has the potential to monitor the course and treatment of degenerative and age-related disease. Patents are held or filed in these fields. Study of other clinical conditions is being progressed. Alliances between Metabometrix and major players in the healthcare industry are actively being formed to fully exploit these commercial opportunities, and new ones are being sought.