Metabometrix Ltd
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London SW72BP
Pathfinders in Metabonomics

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Metabonomics Offers Hope For Cheaper, Less Invasive Diagnosis.
The group of UK researchers is at the forefront of developing new ways to
diagnose diseases rapidly and cheaply using a technique for measuring
the metabolic response of an organism to a stimulus

  Metabometrix Can Predict Risk of Heart Attack Using a Simple Blood Test!
Metabometrix Limited, an Imperial College spinout biotechnology and diagnostics company holds the rights to a novel type of atherosclerosis test.....
  ACD/Labs and Metabometrix Announce Collaboration 
ACD/Labs and Metabometrix today announce the intention to provide access to assigned databases of NMR spectra of biofluids using ACD/NMR Manager as the delivery tool.

Current uses and a vision for the future of metabonomics
Professor John Lindon and Dr David Grainger of Cambridge University talk to BBC Radio's The Material World.

  Metabometrix and Waters Sign Agreement
Firms to Pursue and Advance Solutions for Metabonomics Studies