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  ACD/Labs and Metabometrix Announce Collaboration.  

February 24th 2003 - The application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to the study of biofluids is one of the primary activities presently underway in the field of metabonomics. One of the key innovators in this area is Metabometrix. ACD/Labs and Metabometrix today announce the intention to provide access to assigned databases of NMR spectra of biofluids using ACD/NMR Manager as the delivery tool.

Scientists at Metabometrix have been working closely with ACD/Labs to test new NMR phasing and baseline correction routines applicable to the spectra of biofluids and tolerant of the many associated issues. "Our interactions with the scientists at Metabometrix have enabled us to develop the most capable processing algorithms in desktop NMR software available today," comments Antony Williams, VP of Scientific Development and Marketing for ACD/Labs. "ACD/Labs software has made it possible for us to fully automate our spectral processing and still achieve excellent results," comments John Shockcor, Director of Physical and Analytical Sciences, Metabometrix. "We look forward to delivering databases applicable to the study of metabonomics and other biochemical applications compatible with ACD/NMR Manager software by Spring 2003."

See also: ACD/Lab