Metabometrix Ltd
Prince Consort Road
London SW72BP
Pathfinders in Metabonomics

Designed & maintained by Anagi Publishing Ltd.
© Metabometrix


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Metabometrix is a spin-out company built on the skills of the world's pre-eminent metabonomics research team at Imperial College, London, and experienced scientists from the UK and US pharmaceutical industries.
Metabonomics has been developed over 15 years by a world-leading team directed by Professor Jeremy Nicholson, the Chief Scientist of Metabometrix. The group's portfolio of intellectual and technical advances is unique, and underpins a substantial lead in the field.

The company has a proprietary platform of metabonomics technologies for generating, classifying and interpreting metabolic information from biological fluids and tissues.

Metabonomics characterises the key biochemical changes caused by drug toxicity in animals and man, the diagnosis and course of clinical disease, and the effects of therapeutic intervention. The technology has the potential to redefine drug discovery and development from lead molecule selection to marketing of clinically successful drugs.

In addition to its own intrinsic power, metabonomics promises to furnish a real-world and commercially applicable dimension to the pivotal sciences of genomics and proteomics