Metabometrix Ltd
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Pathfinders in Metabonomics

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Chairman - Sir Richard Sykes

Sir Richard Sykes became Rector of Imperial College London in January 2001.

Sir Richard was awarded a PhD in Microbial Biochemistry from Bristol University and a DSc from the University of London.

He joined Glaxo Research Limited in 1972 as Head of the Antibiotic Research Unit, before moving to The Squibb Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, New Jersey, USA. He became Director of Microbiology in 1979 and an Associate Director of the Institute, and from 1983 to 1986 was Vice President, Infectious and Metabolic Diseases. He rejoined Glaxo in the UK as Deputy Chief Executive of Glaxo Group Research Ltd and was appointed Group Research and Development Director, Glaxo plc and Chairman & Chief Executive of Glaxo Group Research Limited in 1987.

Sir Richard was appointed Deputy Chairman & Chief Executive of Glaxo plc in March 1993, then Chairman & Chief Executive of Glaxo Wellcome plc in May 1997. He stood down as Chairman of GlaxoSmithKline plc in May 2002.

Sir Richard received his knighthood in the 1994 New Year Honours list for services to the pharmaceutical industry. He sits on a number of government and scientific committees and is a Trustee of the Natural History Museum in London and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Sir Richard was appointed Chairman of the Bioscience Leadership Council in November 2003.

He served as President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1998-99, and holds a number of honorary degrees and awards from institutions both in the UK and overseas. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. He is a Fellow of Imperial College School of Medicine, King's College, London, a Fleming Fellow at Lincoln College, Oxford, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, an Honorary Fellow of the University of Wales, Cardiff and the University of Central Lancashire.



Professor Jeremy Nicholson (Chief Scientist) *

Professer Nicholson BSc, PhD, C.Biol. F.I.Biol. FRSA, FRC.Path. C.Chem. FRSC., heads the department of Biological Chemistry at Imperial College where he leads one of the world’s largest research groups in metabolic science.He obtained his doctorate from the University of London and subsequently became a post-doctoral fellow and Professor of Biological Chemistry at Birkbeck College, London. He was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Gold and Silver Medals for Analytical Science, and has published extensively in his field.

Professor John Lindon*

Professor Lindon is Professor in the Department of Biological Chemistry at Imperial College, London. He obtained his degrees at Birmingham University, UK and went on to do post-doctoral fellowship work at Columbia University, New York. From he worked in and eventually became Head of the Spectroscopy Section at Wellcome Research, UK. He moved to the Chemistry Department of Birkbeck College, London and then to Imperial College in 1998. His published work relates to studies of small molecule structure, dynamics and biomedical research via NMR spectroscopy and the application of both molecular and chemometric modelling to the better understanding of biochemistry.

Dr. Elaine Holmes*

Dr Holmes obtained a BSc in Biological Sciences followed by a PhD in Chemistry from London University and currently holds a readership in Biological Chemistry at Imperial College. Her work is centred on the development of NMR and pattern recognition based computerised expert systems for predicting drug toxicity and characterisation of physiological dysfunction. Other research interests involve the direct analysis of intact tissues using high resolution MAS NMR spectroscopy and the application of hyphenated analytical techniques such as LC-NMR-MS to the identification of drug metabolites and biomarkers of pathology.

Michael Clark

Mr. Clark has been associated with the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries for the past 25 years. He has held management positions with Sandoz Ltd. (Novartis) in the US, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand. While working with Sandoz in the US, he was a Business Development Manager responsible for licensing and acquisitions. He was Managing Director of the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Division in New Zealand and Head of Pharmaceutical Marketing & Sales for Australasia. Since moving to the UK in 1985, he has been founding Board member and General Manager of Amerpharm Ltd. a UK-based start-up which became one of the leading generic prescription pharmaceutical firms in the Europe, Canada and Australasia. In 1994, control of the Amerpharm Group was acquired by Merck KgaA. Mr. Clark has been a founding shareholder and Director of several other biomedical start-ups, including: Vanguard Medica Ltd, a UK-based pharmaceutical product development company founded in 1991 by the former R&D Directors of Glaxo, ICI, Wellcome and Squibb. Vernalis (formerly Vanguard) is listed on the London Stock Exchange. Mr. Clark is Managing General Partner of Renaissance Ventures, LP, a private equity fund which concentrates in supporting early stage companies in the European bio-medical sector. Michael Clark obtained a BA in Mathematics from the University of Victoria, Canada and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

* Scientific founders.